I.) General:
This blog is an independent & private project and has no contact, Relationship or cooperation with any ideological, political, or commercial linked groups, Homepages or blogs. There are no financial interests or any other benefits involved in this act of mine. Our today’s worldwide problems are mostly made by people like us, with lack of proper cultural background, and adequate knowledge. Helping people having easier access to culture, knowledge and science is the only cause for existence of this blog. If we want to change this condition, we have to educate ourselves better. With publishing this blog, I just try to take a small step forwards on this long and uneasy way!
There are some similar looking & similar sounding homepages and blogs with even similar design and Motto in Internet (I found at least two such Ideological/political Propaganda sites with similar names). Unfortunately, there are always some people who try to profit from others good idea, work & reputation. Please do not be confused by such unfair tries and keep visiting your own Campus in Internet under only this adress.
Frequently, some people ask me about using the links in their own homepages. Here is the answer: “Please do it!” … I have no financial or any other kinds of benefits from this blog, except, the wish of spreading information and enjoying doing it! … the more you spread this links, the more you help me achieving my goal. …
II.) Languages’ & other marks:
Links in other Languages than english (E), are marked as follow:
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(P) = Persian
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(TJ) = Tajik
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Sometimes Movies are not uploaded or converted correctly by Google. In such cases it can happen that sound and picture are not synchronized with each other, or sometimes even the movie can not be played at all. Your notice can help me to find this lack of quality and try to fix it. Thank you for your help in advance! Sometimes also because of internal problems of Google, you are not able to access to a clip by your first try. In such cases please try again and click the link several times.
Unfortunately some of my clips are without specifying any reason rejected and removed from Google. I am sorry to notice, that I have to respect and acsept Google’s decision, and am not going to upload those clips again. :( ... Links of those clips will be marked here with a [Rejected by Google!] at their ends.
Some of clips and movies are not uploaded in their entirely length by Google. In this cases I need your help to let me know about which clips are corrupted & need to be reloaded. Please take your time and E-mail me!
IV.) How to find the last uploaded clips:
There are three ways to find out, which clips or links are recently added to the list, but in all these three cases, links which are not related to Google (like links to textpages and Homepages), can not be listed.
a. One way is, to use the Google search machine:
1. go to Google search machine
2. click on “more” & then on “video”
3. search for “kam200”
4. click on Icon for “list view”
5. and choose the function “sort by date”
For a better understanding how to do it, you can watch a short clip here.
b. The second way is, to bookmark this RSS feed to your bookmark Toolbar to be able to find the 99 latest added clips.
c. Or you can just use the blue "NEW" Icon at the left side of the mainpage.
V.) And last word, please rate clips, if you liked them! … It will help others to find them easier!
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Sub Categories:*
Anthropology, Biology
Anthropology, Biology, Evolution
Anthropology, Ethnology
Anthropology, Evolution
Anthropology, Genetics
Anthropology, Genetics, Paleoanthropology
Anthropology, Psychology
Archaeology, Anthropology
Archaeology, Cultural Anthropology
Archaeology, Cultural Anthropology, Technology
Archaeology, History, Forensic science
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Architecture, Ecology
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Art, Animation, Human rights
Art, Comedy
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Art, Comedy, Religion
Art, Culture
Art, Design, Philosophy
Art, Graphic Design
Art, Human rights
Art, Irony
Art, Philosophy
Art, Politics, Sociology
Art, Sociology
Art, Sociology, Politics
Atheism, Evolution
Atheism, Philosophy
Atheism, Religion
Biology, Evolution
Biology, Genetics
Biology, Genetics, Evolution
Biology, Human rights
Biology, Philosophy
Biology, Psychology, Art
Biology, Religion
Biology, Virology
Bionics, Robotics
Bionics, Robotics, Wetware
Cosmology, Astrophysics
Cosmology, Biology
Cosmology, Biology, Philosophy
Cosmology, Geology
Cosmology, Philosophy
Cosmology, Philosophy, Religion
Cultural Anthropology
Cultural Anthropology, Civilization
Cultural Anthropology, Civilization, Ethnology
Cultural Anthropology, Ecology
Cultural Anthropology, Philosophy
Cultural Anthropology
Culture, Art
Culture, Civilisation
Documentary, Adventure, Architecture
Documentary, Art
Documentary, Astronomy
Documentary, Astronomy, Energy
Documentary, History
Ecology, Biology
Ecology, Biology, Economy
Ecology, Economy
Ecology, Health, Politics
Ecology, Human rights
Ecology, Biology
Ecology, Politics
Education, Art
Education, Health
Education, Sociology
Energy, Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Fusion
Ethnology, Politics
Evolution, Cosmology
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Evolution, Religion, Atheism
Geology, Cosmology, Biology
Geology, Cultural Anthropology
Geology, Metheorology
Health, Toxicology
Health, Medical Innovations
History, Politics
History, Politics, Documentary,
Human Rights
Human rights, Iran
Human rights, Politics
Human rights, Politics, Sociology
Human rights, Religion
Human rights, Sociology
Meteorology, Biology
Meteorology, Geology
Molecular Biology, Biochemistry
Molecular Biology, Ethics
Philosophy, Art
Philosophy, Atheism, Religion
Philosophy, Cultural Anthropology
Philosophy, Cultural Anthropology
Philosophy, Physics
Philosophy, Physics, Mathematics
Philosophy, Sociology
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Physics, Chemistry
Physics, Nuclear Physics
Politics, Comedy
Politics, Cultural Anthropology
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Politics, History
Politics, Human rights
Politics, Human rights, Feminism
Politics, Religion
Politics, Religion, Democracy
Politics, Science
Politics, Sociology
Politics, Sociology, Economics
Politics, Sociology, Human rights
Psychology, Anatomy
Psychology, Cultism
Psychology, History
Psychology, Human rights
Psychology, Paedagogy
Psychology, Religion
Religion, Archeology, History
Religion, Art
Religion, Cultural Anthropology
Religion, History
Religion, Human rights
Religion, Human rights, History
Religion, Philosophy
Religion, Politics
Religion, Politics, Economics
Religion, Science
Science Fiction
Sociology, Art
Sociology, Art, Politics
Sociology, Art, Politics, Iran
Sociology, Cultural Anthropology
Sociology, Cultural Anthropology, Civilisation
Sociology, Cultural Anthropology, Politics
Sociology, Ecology
Sociology, Feminism
Sociology, Paedagogy
Sociology, Politics
Sociology, Psychology
Sociology, Psychology, Politics
Sociology, Religion, Human rights
Zoology, Anthropology, Ecology
Zoology, Evolution